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Sadly, there is no support for NVDA in the schoolĭistricts that I am aware of where I am. Would be reluctant to try it because they would, once again, assume it is University, and they use JAWS and I bet if they have heard of NVDA they Another example is that I have a relative that works at a As, while JAWS and iPhone'sĪre certainly used, not everybody uses, or cannot afford, either JAWS, or Incomplete or inferior because they have seem more than one person use JAWSĪnd iPhones so they think, all blind folks use, are JAWS screen reader, and

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Never heard of NVDA, or if they have heard of it, they assume that it is Also Many of the institutions that I've come across have I do have a friend inĬalifornia who has heard of NVDA, and her blind friends know that NVDAĮxists, and they have tried it but they end up going back to JAWS because

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As an example, I do have friends out there that know that NVDAĮxists, and so on and so forth, but a lot of them think that if something isĬheaper, it is inferior. That there are folks out there that won't give up there screen reader tooĮasily.

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Tech trainer who has trained blind students in screen readers, I have to say However, IĪm going to point something out to you, and that is, as a 6 year adaptive I do agree with everybody about what they're saying.

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